Wanjiku Rules! NOT!!!!!!!
Wrote this on 7th Jan this year but just got round to posting it.
It’s amazing how drastically life can change in just one week. Subhanallah it feels more like a couple of months instead of seven days since the results for elections were announced. Man I stood in line for 5 hours to exercise my democratic right, yeah phooey. WTF I might as well have stayed home and done me nails. Anywho we shouldn’t have been so surprised or felt so betrayed. Coz moi has been doing this to us since we went multiparty hasn’t he? Only he was more adept at cheating, we never had unequivocal proof of the same, it wasn’t this "in your face what u gon do bout it/ we don’t know how the hell to do this it isn’t very pretty, so sue us" drama.
It was a well-aimed kick in the back side and a bitter reminder that we are still living in a third world country, a frigging banana republic, so help us God. After the results were announced on the 30th, we were so scared we couldnt even LEAVE the house for 5 days. We didnt even know the new year had arrived. All we kept hearing was gunshots throughout the night, the police in the slums doing their thing I guess and billows of flames and black smoke. For 5 days strait.
Man I wonder how many innocent Kenyans died as a result. Am sure the figures we have are oh so conservative and very convenient for a government that isn’t the people’s choice. I wish people would remember that killing your neighbour, as broke ass as yourself will not move those that are in power. Its not about tribe, its never been. Its about the greedy exploiting the poor, looking out for themselves at our expense, waving the tribal card to divide people just as its been since the beginning of time. And the ones who celebrated coz their kinsmen had cheated their way back into power, shame on you! To the high and mighty all you are gonna be when you are slaughtered is collateral damage and dont you ever forget it! As a wise person said, we may not know for sure who won, but what we know is that Kenya lost. We were set back some 20 years, our hopes in the furture were dashed and we have never been so divided in our history as we are now. There's now so much mistrust and tension between us all, based on who must have voted for whom, surely! A democracy, I think not! Did we think Moi was gonna plunge us into civil strife? His was child's play. He taught his protegees well. And we are the ones to pay the price.
List of shame…. he knows hisself the one that takes the cake, he has shamed himself and our country. Number two would go to Kivuitu the jackass, and to think I respected him all these years. Yeah that was a shocker. I wonder if he was threatened with the untold torture of his family. For his sake I hope so. Hope he didn’t sell his country and the future of his grandchildren for a paltry or even substantial sum. I can definitely see the rattle of the snake in this here fiasco. Number three…the arrogant Ali. They had to go and appoint an obstinate, bloodthirsty Somali to such a position. Do you sleep at night, warya nacas yahow?
It left a very bitter taste in our mouths. So many immediate and long term plans had to be reviewed. If you were one of the unfortunate patriots who relocated home coz you believed your country was moving along towards economic, social and political reform, am sure you had a rude awakening. Does anyone feel like they were betrayed? Anyone feel like they would gladly pursue their education and careers abroad? Of course you gotta have the money to actually give in to this sudden urge. Must be why there hasn't been a mass exodus of Kenyans. We are stuck here, the only ally we all have, each one of us, and all we need really, Allah swt; all we can do is pray to Him for peace, justice and mercy. Kheir InshAllah.
On the bright side we did manage to vote out most of the losers in the 9th parliament, wanjiku rules!!!!!!!! Sometimes, a.l. 20 cabinet ministers out on their sorry backsides, including the Vice President. Now, that was a mass exodus in a class of its own!Ha ha ha. Sayanora, suckers!