Random Ramble
Almost two weeks since my last blog. One would think I stayed away accomplishing difficult feats such as saving the world, or at the very least myself. No such luck. Been running around trying to get back into Uni...done. At this point I would like to take this opportunity to stop and say Alhamdulillah to The Most Merciful, as usual He has come thru for me. I would also like to thank abo for nagging me about not having lofty ideals on the virtues of higher learning. Daddy, I believe! I will get back in school even if it kills me! So am due back on the 3rd of Sept, Lord have mercy! A couple of months ago, I wouldve been depressed about returning to student life but I think am actually looking forward to awakening my brain, God knows its been on an extended sabbatical for too long! Hello, have I gone and grown up finally? I know ive been pathetic and I swear I shall clean up my mind, what a clutter its been.
What else have I accomplished? Umm lets see...he he thats it. Just been living life. Tried to pay back my qalla for last ramadhan and its been hard at best. I think I have a crater in my tummy, it hurts so! And i dont even wanna think about how many days I got left coz i might actually start to sob. See fool that I am, I went globe trotting last year and me being a msafir, I took advantage of that and didnt fast the last week of the month? Mostly cos, well msafiri kafiri and also sunshine here didnt know which day was what and dont even ask me about the time and jet lag and bloody time zones. One day I was in Africa, the next in Asia and before I knew it it was hello dreary , boring and grey London of all the cities in Europe to find urself in !
Make no mistake, I had a ball. Well cept for London, the place is too bloody cold and does it always drizzle like that? Its just grey and all the buildings look the same and loads of weirdos on the undergound. The people are cold and their food is lousy! The rest of the trip I was grinning like a lunatic and I had to stop myself from giggling insanely. Felt like a kid let loose in a candy shop without an audience! At one point in the plane, I found myself with my hands on the window, gawking audibly at the sight of Dubai Int'l airport. No offense to the good people out there but those arabs at Dubai Airport were horrible! Lemme digress here and say the men be gorgeous! But alas, they do not behave like muslims. We were about a dozen muslims ( half in hijab!)lined up at their passport control desks, and at maghrib when the muadhin did his thing, those bastards broke their fast there and then and offered us NOTHING! while we stood there wondering what to eat, what to eat? Subhanallah, dont these people fear Allah swt? Dont they even wanna earn marks for feeding a poor msafir at iftar?! In Kenya, aint no way that would happen to you within sight of a fellow Muslim! So yeah I hated them but I loved their country, and I intend to visit again, so bully for them! Thats it, abo I found my passion. I wanna travel for the rest of my days.
I gotta pen off now. Am sure I'll have more to tell after the weekend. Lets just say exciting possibilities abound but I dont wanna jinx it by telling all about it in advance. Yeah thats how things backfire; anticipation and speculation. What, excited? Who, me? Nah! My mind is blank and I got no expectations other than to beat the crap out of mundane! Kheir InshAllah